Taster Flights

Can we have a moment of truth with you?? Every beer tender we know has a love/hate relationship with taster flights. Seriously, we know it sounds silly but it is so much harder to pour you 4 beers instead of just one. The glasses are smaller. Does this faucet pour faster than the other one? Is there enough head? No head? Is this an Instagram worthy flight line up?! So much pressure to make it perfect for you! Ha!

BUT we still do them. Heck, we even discount them at the taproom $2 off every Friday. And this is where the LOVE part comes in ❤️ - We do them because we know that tasting different styles of beer is the fun part of going to a brewery. We know you might not want to commit to a full 16oz pour of something but a 5oz taster can be far less intimidating. We know that maybe you just cant make up your mind so you want to try all.of.the.beers. So taste away my friends. Find the style of beer you love. Taste something you've never had. Embrace the part of beer tasting that opens your mind up to new  flavors! We'll be here pouring for you....just be patient with us if there's a line!

Samantha SchmitzComment