Pints with a Purpose

By Samantha Schmitz in Blog on April 11, 2017


When my husband Brian and I set out to open the brewery, we talked about how it was going to be really neat to have a venue to do things – friends birthday parties, social gatherings, community events etc. While our last big event on March 27th was under tragic circumstances, the fundraiser for our girl Casie has far exceeded my vision for being able to ever host such a thing. It was so incredible to see the amount of people who came out. I am thankful we have this opportunity for people to gather and help make a difference in the journey Casie has ahead of her. THANK YOU to those who have helped support the cause. We are so moved and we know it means the world to her and her family.

For those of you who hadn’t heard, Casie was in a terrible car accident, was in ICU for 2 weeks and just got transported to a rehab facility. She has a long journey ahead but is staying very positive.

From March 22nd – April 5th, we donated a dollar for every pint we sold to her and her family. On March 27th The Fulcos played a free concert in our tasting room and put together a raffle that helped us raise money. It was incredible to see how many people came out to help support her.

Vince’s in PalmdaleGino’s Italian, and BJ’s all donated pizza for us to sell the night of with all proceeds going to her. We had lots of helping hands from the ladies at Panache Salon and many other friends and family of Casie. It was an awesome night filled with so much love for our girl.

Lots of her close friends were in attendance. But many people who only knew her from the other side of the bar also came out. At some point in their lives she served them with a smile and they felt compelled to come show their support.

While I am well aware that money doesn’t change her circumstance, it does help lessen the burden a little for what she has ahead of her. Also – the energy and love in that room was palpable! After the event I spoke with her mom and she said she could feel it in all of the videos we had sent them throughout the night! I like to think that we held an event that she can look back at our videos to help muster up strength in her recovery. Her road will be long, but at least she isn’t alone!


Samantha, The Beer Wife
Still want to donate?? You can do so HERE or HERE

Paul Soriano